Why Values Matter: Growth

ICAN's scope and scale have changed over the years (and will continue to change). We started as a one person show (thanks Dan) and have grown to have over 150 employees and contractors. We continue striving to fulfill out mission of supporting the best hope and future for our patients by adhering to our values: our patients, our people, fun, innovation, community and…


Growth means many things to the ICAN community. It's seeing our patients gain new skills or graduate from therapy (yay!), watching our staff take on new challenges, and even providing more service areas to our community.

This value has been an important part of my journey at ICAN. I first started at ICAN as a Speech Language Pathologist in my clinical fellowship at the same time as I was pursuing experience hours to become a behavior analyst. ICAN helped me achieve my dream of becoming duel certified by seeing my unique situation as a benefit to a multidisciplinary setting (and aligning with their values) and not a hassle. Above and beyond the clinical, I also had the opportunity to join the management team early in my career, which has allowed me to develop a whole separate set of skills around business management. I continue to grow as a clinician, manager, and person because of ICAN's commitment to its values, clients, and staff.

If you think your dream is too big… its not! But you might need to find the right environment to thrive. Looking for a company that matches your professional values will help you achieve your goals. If you haven't already, take a few minutes to think about your values and how they align with your current employer, manager, company, position, therapy modality, and every other aspect of being a professional. Values matter.

See you in 2021!
