Presentation for the Everett Clinic
Dr. Reilly and Dan Stachelski recently had the honor to present at the 5th annual Everett Clinic Ski-M.E. Conference. The event has been established to provide continuing education opportunities for the team at the Everett Clinic. Dan and Dr. Reilly were asked to present on the following topics.
- Describing coping & developmental skills (in which they can then teach to relevant patients)
- Review Updates in Autism
- Discuss Common Myths (which could also include ways to dispel them)
At the time of the presentation there were between 30-40 health practitioners. When queried about contact either personally or professionally, an overwhelming majority of attendees raised their hands. This is a reflection of the growing number of individuals affected by autism and that many of us have a connection to autism. Dan and Dr. Reilly presented for approximately 50 minutes, followed by a question and answer period. The practitioners asked great questions and we expect that with the information provided, they will be able to provide excellent support to individuals with autism within their practices. We have attached the presentation for you to enjoy. If you are in need to training or continuing education regarding autism, please feel free to get in touch with us at any time.