Great Outdoor Activities for the Rainy Winter Weather

November might not be the classic month for outdoors activities (especially if you live in the PNW like we do where it's now raining all day everyday), but here are a few ideas for getting out of the clinic:

Rain gauges

Use any clear cup to make a rain gauge for each client. Simply

  1. Gather materials: clear plastic cup, marker (permanent), tablespoon, jar of water
  2. Add one tablespoon of water to your cup and mark a line
  3. Repeat until you have 10 lines
  4. Label lines 1-10 tablespoons

Easy as that! This activity can be used to target reading comprehension, following directions, or even turn taking!

Scavenger Hunts!

There are a few things you can only find in the fall, like red and orange leaves or acorns, and so this is a great opportunity to target teaching season specific vocabulary, reading accuracy, speech sounds/articulation, or even semantic categories! Download one or make your own:

Nature Paintings

This is the perfect season to gather (and dry off) our trees' fallen leaves, acorns, and little branches. Use these natural items to make paintings or collages!

I hope you are all feeling more inspired by the season now!

Have a great week!


Please note this is not an endorsement for the makers of any paid products and we were not sponsored or otherwise incentivized to include those products. They are simply materials I enjoy using and am looking forward to using the rest of the month!