A Nurse Practitioners Note on Bullying
Talking with your child about bullying can help them be prepared and know how to respond in a situation. Bullying can occur in the following forms:
- Physical
- Verbal
- Social
- or Electronic
Being bullied increases risks of:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Suicide
- Substance Abuse
- Violence
- Academic Performance
- Talk to your child about bullying before it becomes and issue. Help them think through how they will respond in different situations.
- Tell children if they experience or witness bullying, always report it to an adult. Children who are bullied may feel embarrassed and may not want to admit they're being bullied.
- Model respectful and kind behavior as much as possible.
- Anytime you witness bullying, respond in a quick and consistent manner to demonstrate bullying is not ok.
- Keep calm, try not to show emotion, walk away,tell an adult.
- If the child must respond to the child bullying them: stay calm, stand tall, try not to show emotion, and use a strong voice for a clear statement, "I don't like what you are doing."
- Listen to your child, help them feel heard, assure them it is not their fault.
- Work together with your child, teachers, and school administrators to develop a plan that can help the child feel safe.
- Find a mediator between parents, usually a school employee.
- Work to build up your child's self-esteem by encouraging your child to praise themselves for things they can be proud of.
- Consider seeing a healthcare provider or mental health counselor to determine if additional action is needed
- StopBullying.gov. Bullying. https://www.stopbullying.gov/what-is-bullying/index.html Updated July 26, 2018. Accessed October 22, 2018.
- HealthyChildren.org. Bullying: It's Not Okay. https://www.healthychildren.org/English/safety-prevention/at-play/Pages/Bullying-Its-Not-Ok.aspx. Updated November 21, 2015. Accessed October 22, 2018.
- HealthyKids. Dealing with Bullies. https://kidshealth.org/en/kids/bullies.html. Updated July 2013. Accessed October 22, 2018.&
- Mayo Clinic. Bullying: Help Your Child Handle a Bully. https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/childrens-health/in-depth/bullying/art-20044918. Updated August 26, 2016. Accessed October 22, 2018.